
Back in action after COVID shutdown

Welcome back! As Melbourne’s post-COVID production boom gathers pace, Docklands Studios is set to be busier than ever in coming months.

Signs of hope in Australia screen sector

There’s light on the horizon for Australia’s film and TV industry which shut down two months ago amid the global coronavirus pandemic.

Ten made-in-Melbourne movies and shows to binge watch

The silver screen may have gone dark for now, but the small screen keeps on delivering.

New Facilities Manager

A big welcome to our newest team member Max Haymes.


Good news for the screen industry! One of the world’s top broadcast service providers is coming to Docklands Studios.

Our Ten Best Moments

It’s been a bumper year for Docklands Studios – with productions lining up to use our sound stages and a major expansion on the horizon.

Victoria’s double life

Who knew that Victoria has its own little slice of Africa, China, the Middle East, or the Australian outback.

Melbourne-made film poised for China success

If you had to guess the top-grossing Australian film of 2019, home-grown family favourites Ride Like a Girl and Top End Wedding might come to mind.

Hollywood veteran hails Melbourne’s arts hub

Former Disney boss Dick Cook said Victoria’s “fantastic talent” had swayed his decision to set up his Asia-Pacific base at Docklands Studios Melbourne.