At Docklands Studios Melbourne, we’re committed to decarbonising our facility and supporting producers to do the same.

We recently became Australia’s first major film studio to switch to 100% renewable energy, through government-accredited provider GreenPower that sources energy from sun, wind, water and biofuel.
This means our entire studio—including six sound stages, production offices, mess halls, workshops and studio administration—is powered by 100% renewable energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We’re also making our operations as efficient as possible—keeping tabs on consumption while installing lower-energy lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning across the facility.
And we’re helping to lift the game across the screen sector, as one of 16 seed funders of Sustainable Screens Australia (SSA).

SSA is an industry led and funded initiative to embed sustainability into all aspects of screen production, developing tools such as carbon calculators and training based on a best-practice model from Britain’s BAFTA albert.
Even our new super stage (Stage 6) was designed with the environment in mind, with the walls and ceiling lined with straw panels that store carbon.

For a deep dive into what we’re doing at Docklands Studios and in the screen industry, check out IF Magazine’s special Green Screen edition.