Still on the subject of saying goodbye to long-running screen productions, July sees the departure of US TV Series Preacher (Season 4), which has clocked up more 100 days on the lot.
In what was Docklands Studios’–and Victoria’s–biggest screen project in more than a decade, our security team issued no less than 378 crew passes, with around 1500 Victorians cast as extras on the series about a preacher (Dominic Cooper) on a road trip to find God.

With showrunner Sam Catlin on board, Preacher occupied four of our five stages as well as set construction workshops, wardrobe, art department and office spaces.
While hosting Preacher, we also housed popular audience-based quiz show The Chase on what was one of our busiest days ever, as you can see from our snap below taken from the nearby Observation Wheel in late June.
Preacher will be broadcast on the AMC network in the US and Stan in Australia in early August.